El agua como elemento Rey

Water as a king element

You know you have to drink water. Your weight divided into 7 will give you the amount of daily glasses. Clean, purification, undoing, moisturizing...

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¿Por qué y cuándo utilizar un tónico?

Why and when to use a tonic?

The tonic, that cosmetic product that complements our hygiene ritual and that sometimes becomes the great forgotten. Well, we are going to give him...

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Brilla en las noches de verano

Shines on summer nights

Summer extends its nights, giving us freshness, helping us to cope with the heat that lurks during the day. It is the time when our skin, more than...

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¿Cuáles son las mejores mascarillas para el rostro?

What are the best face masks?

It is time to incorporate to your weekly beauty ritual, an intensive treatment that helps us improve the skin. Find that moment, where the facial m...

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