What is a peel and how is it performed?
19 October, 2018
Chemical or physical facial and body peeling is a technique of limited and controlled exfoliation or desquamation of the epidermis or dermis, depending on the type of peel that is applied.
Is peeling the same as exfoliation?
Yes, both terms mean to exfoliate, peel or desquamate the skin.
How is it applied?
The technique of applying a peel will depend mainly on the type of agent used.
Physical peels:
They are performed with different techniques. It is the application of a physical agent with the purpose of refining the horny layer, which is the most superficial layer of our skin and, depending on the type of treatment, it can act in the deepest area of our skin, the dermis.
You can find several types of physical agents, the most common ones are the scrubswhich act in a very superficial way and are easy to apply.
These cosmetics come in cream or gel form and have small solid particles of different sizes.
They are applied with soft circular movements over the entire surface of the skin and act by "rubbing" eliminating the most superficial dead skin cells.
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In addition, we can find those used by professional beauticians with the technique of microdermabrasion or dermabrasionwhich, depending on the maneuvers and intensity, can be applied more deeply, but always within certain limits.
And finally we find the physical peelings of strictly medical application such as for example the CO2 laser, Fraxel, Pixeletc. that act in a very deep way obtaining very noticeable and positive results, but with higher risks and recovery time.
Chemical peels:
For this type of peeling different acids are always used at different concentrations, Ph, exposure times, application techniques, etc., and act in greater or lesser depth depending on these factors.
This type of peelings can also be performed in a professional esthetic center, with acceptable concentrations of glycolic acid, AHA, retinol, salicylic acid, ferulic acid, mandelic acid, etc.etc.
And these same acids are used medically, but at different concentrations, Ph and application techniques, which makes the product penetrate deeper into your skin and the results are more effective, fast and lasting.
When and Why?
Peels can be applied at different frequencies and on different occasions.
For example, you can choose a very light exfoliation by doing a simple scrub at home twice a week and you will give your skin a touch of radiance, refine and smooth it, and help your moisturizers contact and penetrate more effectively with your skin.
However, if your skin is already showing more noticeable dehydration, blemishes, some wrinkles or deep wrinkles, if you have acneacne, acne scars or stretch marks peelings are a very good option, as they will remove the superficial layers of the skin or the deeper ones, depending on what you want to treat.
These techniques have been used for a long time, so there is a lot of experience and they are still being used more and more nowadays.
We recommend two options, you can consult your beautician or a doctor specialized in aesthetic medicine or dermatology, depending on what you want to invest in your facial treatment and the problem you have.
What time of the year are they performed?
Peelings are treatments that are performed during the following times of the year autumn-winter (unless we are talking about a simple scrub that can be done all year round).
The substances generally used are photosensitive (they react undesirably to the sun). So they can also cause some irritation and flaking. This also makes the skin more susceptible to pigmentation and problems if you are in the sun.
When do you see results?
Results will be seen depending on the type of peel you have. But keep in mind that with a simple scrub you will notice an improvement in your skin texture. immediately.
In an aesthetic treatment, with 4 sessions you can see beautiful results.
And in medical peelings, such as phenol for example (one of the most powerful), with a single session is enough to see a complete renewal of the skin, which takes about a month.

Which is better chemical or physical?
These two types of peelings are very different, there is no better or worse. However, it is true that nowadays chemical peels are on the riseThey are quite affordable and provide very satisfactory results.
Where to buy them?
Chemical peels, whether the gentler ones for aesthetic use or the deeper ones for medical use, are sold exclusively by professionals.
For home maintenance you can access a great variety of scrubs, or a moisturizer with AHA or glycolic acid, etc.
In our online store you can find various types of peelings:
- Enzymatic Peeling with epidermal growth factors,
- Double Peeling with glycolic acid and other AHA's.,
- Gommage Peel for sensitive skins,
- Anti-acne peel for combination/oily skins.
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Which is the best for scars?
Scars are very complicated lesions, whether they are atrophic scars, which are those where there is a lack of connective tissue, or hypertrophic scars, which are the scars we see over raised.
These types of scars can actually be improved with medical peelsThe deepest layer of the skin, the dermis, must be affected for a scar to exist. And this layer can only be accessed by a doctor with a more invasive peeling technique.
Types of acids:
- Trichloroacetic (35%)
- Salicylic
- Pyruvic
- Triethynoin
Also used in the doctor's office are physical peelssuch as non-ablative fractional laser (resurfacing), which allows working the skin in depth without damaging the superficial layers. So there is no recovery time or potential complications, offering this technique very good results.
How many peelings are necessary for scars?
The sessions needed will depend on the type of scar, the deeper the scar, the more difficult and invasive the treatment will be.
If the lesions are more severe, several sessions will be needed, sometimes in several seasons (autumn-winter) to work on scars.
Sometimes the deep peeling treatment can be combined with the filling of the scars with hyaluronic acid or organic silicon to provoke a new collagen stimulation and obtain better results.
What is the best acne peel?
One of the most commonly used acids in acne treatments is the salicylic acidIt has very interesting qualities to treat this common skin pathology. It is highly antiseptic and antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and has a great exfoliating power, therefore, it will directly affect factors that trigger this skin disease.
It is also widely used in the azelaic acidIt also acts directly on the triggering factors of acne: sebaceous hypersecretion, abnormal keratinization and the presence of pathogenic bacteria.
It is important to keep in mind that acne is a skin pathology with different degrees, if you suffer from it is essential that you visit your dermatologist to make a diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment.
First a mask or a scrub?
The mask should preferably be applied after the scrubThe exfoliation will have removed the most superficial dead cells and will allow the active ingredients of the mask to penetrate better.
Types of Peeling
Peeling with acids
We tell you what acids are the most common and how they work:
GlycolicIt is a naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acid with an enormous regenerating, moisturizing and exfoliating power. It has a great antioxidant rejuvenating effect and is indicated for wrinkles, blemishes and even acne.
SalicylicIt is a beta hydroxy acid with great antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating power.
Lactic acidAlso from the group of alpha hydroxy acids, it has a great moisturizing and softening power and improves skin tone.
Mandelic :Helps to improve acne lesions, delays skin aging and illuminates the skin.
Vitamin C Peeling
Vitamin C has a great antioxidant power, it acts on collagen metabolism, a key protein for healthy, young and radiant skin.
>> Vitamin C for the Skin: Treatments and Benefits <<
Peeling in pregnancy and breastfeeding
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, this type of treatment is not recommended.
Do not forget that your body, whether pregnant or breastfeeding, is a whirlwind of hormonal changes and your skin is highly affected by these natural changes.
Not that it has any side effects or harm your baby, but we recommend that you leave it for later.
Peeling and Lifting: differences
They are two totally different techniques, the peeling is a treatment that produces a peeling of the skin, whether mild, moderate or deep.
And lifting is a surgical intervention that basically consists of a skin tightening to eliminate wrinkles and flaccidity.
Enzymatic peeling
The so-called enzymatic peeling is one of the most gentle peelings that exist to exfoliate the skin. It can be applied on sensitive skin, acne and very dark skin.
So this autumn-winter do not hesitate to consider a peeling treatment... your skin will thank you!