How to remove facial blemishes?
27 September, 2018
Do you know that the melanin is the natural pigment that gives color to our skin and hair?
In the skin, more specifically in the epidermis (the most superficial layer), we have cells called melanocytes loaded with this pigment, known as melanin.
There are several types of melanin, for example brown people have brown melanins and blondes and redheads have golden and reddish melanins.
This pigment is the natural protection of our skin and when we become brown in the sun, we activate this natural skin protection mechanism.
The process is really fascinating, as the melanin is activated by covering the specialized cells of our skin, called keratinocytes, so that cell mutations do not occur. The darker your skin, the better protection you have against the sun, which is why the black race enjoys maximum sun protection, while white and Caucasian races have little or no natural protection.
Why do spots appear?
Melanic spots or skin hyperpigmentations are produced by by an increase in dermal or epidermal melanin.. In most cases, the sun exposure is the most important factor in the appearance of this type of spots, but there are some types of spots that respond to other factors.
Types of spots
Freckles or ephelides
The most common to see, they are small accumulations of pigment, of small size that appear mainly in areas exposed to the sun and occur mainly in red and blond skins. They are generally benign, although in these cases it is very important to use sun protection with a sun protection factor between 30 and 50 every day of the year.
Age spots (lentigo simplex)
They are small spots, very similar to freckles, also brown, but appear over time, its name is due to the resemblance to a lentil and its size ranges from very small to about 2 cm. These lesions do not tend to become malignant, but they are very unsightly, for this reason the use of photo protection is essential to prevent them from getting bigger.
Sun spots (solar lentigo)
They are very similar to simple lentigines, also caused by sun exposure, but generally never grow more than 1 to 30 millimeters. Like the previous ones, the use of sun protection is very important to stop their appearance.
Moles (nevus)
They are agglomerations of melanin, flat or with relief, dark brown or black, usually circular, although there are also other more irregular shapes. They are usually born, but can appear with age and it is advisable to watch them closely. In principle they are benign lesions, but on occasion they can become malignant, so if you notice changes, we advise you to see your dermatologist to rule out future problems.
What to look for:
- Sudden variations in tone or size.
- Changes in shape or texture
- Itching or oozing, bleeding
- Peeling
This lesion is larger in size, with diffuse borders, also light or dark brown in color, usually located symmetrically on the forehead, cheekbones, upper lip and chin.
It affects 90% of the female sex, as it usually has a hormonal origin, which is why pregnancy often triggers this type of spots, called chloasma gravidarum. In many of these cases they disappear after childbirth. It is also very common for them to appear in women who take contraceptive pills and expose themselves to the sun without sun protection.
They are usually facial center or located in the malar area (cheeks), these spots are known as butterfly wing melasma due to the shape they adopt.
Likewise, and as we have been saying in all cases, the use of sun protection is very important for these melasma not to evolve.
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Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (blotchiness)
It is very important to take into account these cases, any inflammatory disease or lesion that cures with inflammation. can leave stains.
We would like you to know, for example, that if you wax your upper lip you should wait at least 24 hours before exposing yourself to the sun, since the small temporary spots that may appear, added to sun exposure, could generate a melanic stain (brown spot).
How to avoid spots in pregnant women?
If you are pregnant, you should know that spots, in case they appear, are difficult to avoid, but they are generally transitoryso the tendency is that after the birth of your baby they will disappear.
This happens because the formation of melanin is regulated by a hormonal mechanism and precisely during pregnancy, we all know that there is a great hormonal change in our body.
So, what we advise you to do is to be very strict with your sun exposure and the use of sunscreensIt is essential that you remember this and apply protection every day, even in winter.
Don't miss this article >> Skin Care for Pregnant Women
Depigmenting Treatments
What are depigmenting creams?
Depigmenting creams, as the word says, are creams that help to depigment, that is, to "discolor" a spot or pigmentation on your skin.
What are they used for?
They are used to improve the intensity of spots that appear due to sun exposure, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances and imbalances in the mechanism of melanogenesis.
How are they used?
We always prefer to advise you to apply this type of cosmetic at night, as many of the active ingredients can be photosensitive.
- Cleanse the skin >> for more info read 10 tips for daily skin cleansing
- Apply the toner >> for more info read What is Facial Toner and how to use it
- Applying the depigmenting cosmetic >> for more info read Do you know the benefits of the Whitening Care line?
We advise you to perform this simple ritual one hour before going to sleepThis will help the product to penetrate before putting your face on the pillow so that it can be eliminated.
How to choose a depigmenting cream?
It is important to keep in mind that skin blemishes are very difficult to treat, as they often become deep, turning into dermal. That is, this pigment change is no longer in the superficial layer but in a deeper layer.
Taking into account that cosmetics act at a more superficial level, what we can achieve is to illuminate our skin and obtain a better appearance, lightening the blemish and unifying the color. But it will be difficult, if not impossible, to eliminate it. For this we must go to a dermatologist who will tell us what is the best system to treat the stain.
Depigmenting active ingredients
Today there are several active ingredients that are very well indicated and have proven results.
In our line Whitening Care we find several very interesting active ingredients when choosing a cosmetic to improve your blemishes:
- The Kojic Acidone of the most widely used active ingredients when formulating a depigmenting cosmetic, as it does not cause irritation, and also inhibits the functioning of tyrosine, the amino acid precursor of melanin, helping to prevent the appearance of new spots. More information at this article.
- The Vitamin Ca well-known and well-studied potent antioxidant, also inhibits tyrosine and provides a great deal of radiance. You can find it in our Cellular Expression Vitamin C line. More information at this article.
- And there are also the well-known Alpha Hydroxy Acidswith great antioxidant power that fight against the chain formation of Free Radicals and help the natural renewal of the skin.
Recommended articles:
- All the benefits of the Whitening Care line at this article.
- Weekly routine to eliminate facial blemishes.
And as we always remind you, and even more when we talk about spots... APPLY PHOTOPROTECTOR EVERY DAY! :)