Your hands talk about you
20 April, 2023
Your hands become a constant tool of nonverbal communication, their gestures emphasize our verbal expressions and even sometimes say more than our own words.
Through the hands we can channel our emotions with a gesture as powerful as a caress.
Looking at our hands we can discover a lot about people, so we are going to analyze ours and see if we are really taking care of them as they deserve.
The skin of the hands is exposed throughout the year to the same exposomes as our facial skin, so we should dedicate, minimum, the same time we dedicate to our face.
Tips for the care of hands:
Once a week we should apply a scrub or peeling in the hands.
The vitamin C scrub of the Essential line,
Starwater In the hands and work with delicate maneuvers the fingers and the back of the hand, and with more intense maneuvers the palms until total absorption.
Not only should we protect your hands daily when you go out, but we must also hydrate them.
A trick is to leave a moisturizing cream on the night table, and massage your hands before sleeping, in addition to hydrating them is a gesture that will help you relax.
Give yourself a gift in your nearest beauty center, and ask for a paraffin treatment for your hands.
A luxury for the senses and for your skin.
The clean and careful appearance of your nails will talk a lot about you. Do not neglect them, a straight or too long cut or too short will look good.
For the most presumed the different enameled will fill your hands with fantasy.
And never forget that everything is in your hands.
Angela Tejedera /Cosmetologist /Dietitian