Atopic skins

Pieles Atópicas
Atopic skin is extremely sensitive and reactive. It is characterized by redness and dryness, which produces a desperate itch. Secrets Vital Beauty:
  • Drink plenty of water, no more than two liters daily.
  • Protect your Sun skin with Sun Supreme FPS 50.
  • Avoid synthetic garments, trying that the clothes you are in contact with your skin is pure cotton.
  • Keep your skin hydrated with products like Essential Bod Body Hydrating Emulsionand every day, twice a day. We love it pulverize ourselves with Hydrovect Bruma. of thermal water that is our must face and body.
  • Avoid soaps that are not specific to atopic skin.
  • Date short showers.
  • Visit your dermatologist once a year to control hydrolypid levels. And follow the advice of him.