7 Tips to Combat Sunburns
25 August, 2016
We already know that moderate exposure to the sun has beneficial effects on our health and even our mood. But this should not confuse us when it comes to protecting ourselves, since sunbathing without protection, in addition to causing sunburn, also contributes to a premature aging of our skin.
For this reason, sunscreens are essential whenever our skin is in contact with the sun, especially in summer, when radiation is much more intense.
How to prevent sunburn?
The main way to prevent sunburn is undoubtedly to control sun exposure. Above all, avoid the hours of highest radiation (approximately between 12 and 18h). But if in doubt we leave you a simple trick to know when solar radiation is higher: if our shadow is longer than us, the UV exposure is lower, if on the contrary it is shorter, it means that the sun is higher and therefore will be more powerful.
You have to protect yourself from the sun
Generally, the whitest skins are the most prone to sunburn if they are not adequately protected from the sun's rays, especially during the first day at the beach or pool. There is also the case of those people who do not use an adequate protection factor because they believe that if they apply a product with a low SPF they will get a tan faster. What they get is burn their skin! It is therefore very important to protect yourself well from the sun with an adequate SPF factor and to use the right sun protection factor. renew its application every 2-3 hours. We must apply the cream of a evenly in all areas exposed to the sun. In the case of people with little hair or very short hair they will also have to take into account the scalp or cover their head. Always apply sunscreen 30 minutes before exposure! To learn more about SPF and proper sun protection we recommend reading Sun protection: everything you need to know. If you suffer from burnswe recommend following a series of guidelines to soothe the pain and achieve a healthy skin.How to treat sunburn?
The skin temperature must be lowered.- Avoid contact with clothing: Areas that are burned should not have contact with clothing, since rubbing produces more itching and redness is accentuated.
- In case of blisters do not touch them, simply cover them with a damp cloth and if they are large, go to the doctor for a specific treatment.
- Cold water: Place the burned area under a stream of cold water for about 10-15 minutes to reduce the initial heat and prevent swelling. Do not rub the area.
- Antihistamine gel: To alleviate the burning sensation you can use an antihistamine gel or also apply an Rose Hip Oil indicated to nourish and regenerate the skin as it helps the natural production of collagen and elastin.
- Keeps the skin hydrated: the burn causes a significant loss of water in our body, leading to dehydration, so we must try to keep permanently hydrated. If you have burns on your body use our Silk Comfort Body Emulsion. For the face, use the Hypoallergenic Cream from the Sensitive line.. To learn more about skin moisturizing, read this article How to moisturize the skin?
- Drink plenty of water: The body must be kept hydrated from the inside. It is recommended to drink 2 liters of water daily.
- Avoid the sun: While the skin is affected, the sun should be avoided again, as it could worsen or even hyperpigment, leading to the appearance of dark spots. And in subsequent exposures do not forget to protect the burned area with a high sun protection.