Today I woke up relaxed, for no apparent reason, but relaxed. I thought I'd better psyche myself up and get ready for a few more days at home. After all, I'm always running around and I don't have time to enjoy tasks and routines as long as they deserve.
For a moment I have stopped, that thing that is so hard to do. I have stopped. And I tried to eat breakfast, conscious that I was eating breakfast. I put on some music, and I opened the windows to let fresh air in. I made the decision to be grateful and for one day to smile and breathe.
I looked at my bookcase and as a sign I saw a book by
Mindfulness that I can never read, either for lack of time or simply because I don't have the ability to stay in the "here and now" due to lack of training or because I feel the rush in every action I take during my busy days.
I wanted to practice it today. At the moment I imagined I was in a quiet, harmonious landscape, with lots of flowers..... with lots of light... with love.

If the mind has that power... why not try it?
When I managed to go to that ideal world, in my mind, in my heart and in my feeling in general, and as my head still had the intention of abstracting to fears, problems and projections of futures that may never happen, I went to do some stretching in front of my mirror. The breathing intense but soft, and then I looked at myself in the mirror. My expression, my citrine tone.... and that Spring has begun... my eyes were dull.
And my whole face in general as with low defenses and dull.
I've gone over my skin care routines. I am one of those who goes to the Beauty Institute with some regularity. I'm one of those who is very well behaved and removes my makeup every night, and before bed I put on a moisturizer or nourisher. Every day. Without exception. And then...
Sure, I've mentally gone through my daily skin care routines and yes, I do all that... but while thinking about tomorrow's meeting, while making the shopping list, while sending a WhatsApp... that is, with my mind on everything but where it needs to be at that moment, which is on my skin.
The skin is a fundamental part of our organism. Basically because it covers and protects everything. It is the most exposed, the most vulnerable, the one that shows, the one that faces, the one that is judged, criticized for wrinkles or imperfections or praised for being fine, silky, cared for.... It is the part of our being that acts as a barrier against external agents: heat, cold, snow... and other pathogenic elements such as bacteria. It is waterproof, repairs and lubricates itself. It is reactive to good care and complains against mistreatment such as lack of hydration, exfoliation, hygiene...
Like hair, it reflects physical and even mental health. The skin can warn us of internal diseases by its change of color, by its change of texture, by the appearance of spots, fungus, desquamations. It reddens in the heat, becomes bristly in the cold. Our skin, together with our friend the sun, is in charge of producing Vitamin C, vital for the health of bones and joints.
It also shows emotions, it makes our "hair stand on end" if something scares us, it tingles if something excites us, it blushes with a compliment, a scare, or with a moment of attraction... The skin of an average adult covers almost two square meters and weighs more than two and a half kilos.
The skin of each hand has more than 17,000 tactile receptors, which is why we like to touch and caress. It has 200 nerve endings, that's why we like to feel...
Depending on the part of the body it varies in thickness, one millimeter on the soles of the feet, because it needs hardness to protect and a tenth of a millimeter on the face, eyelids and lips where we need the speed of movement and to feel a pampering, a kiss...
It tells you if you are male or female, it even tells you what race you are, but what it doesn't always tell you ... is how old you are. Men and women are taking care of themselves more and more. Now we are more united by lifestyle than by biological years. The face is the mirror of the soul. How many times have we been surprised when we found out the age of a person, thinking that he or she was younger or much older. So age, with what we have seen, is one of the few things that your skin cannot give away, if you take good care of it of course.
Taking care of your skin is one of those wonderful routines that you can enjoy so much.
You have to apply the "
Skinfulness"I don't know if it exists, but it leads me directly to understanding and feeling the "here and now of skin care". Maystar applies it in some of its home spa routines.
The skin is so amazingly self-sufficient that sometimes we may think we will always have it safe and sound. But that's why we need to take care of it, and take good care of it.
In these days of ?
coronavirus and of #
yomequedoencasaIn this section, we all examine our general routines and ways of acting and relating to things, situations and people. Important. And just as important, how we relate to ourselves.
More than ever we deserve to protect ourselves. Extreme hygiene. has launched a
routines for 15 days at homewith some of their master formulas. They send it to your home for free and you only pay a symbolic amount (not usual) for some of the products. The rest is given to you in the form of sachettes so that you can complete the
facial routine and your skin doesn't suffer the consequences. Since I am at home I will try it.
Cleansing is one of the most important steps to protect it. It should always be kept clean. These days even more, and try not to touch it at all. Excessive washing is not recommended either. Doing it with soap for the most practical ones will dry and wrinkle it. And it also deprives it of its natural lubricant: sebum. That's why using a cleansing cream for sensitive skin will help keep it clean and soft. And above all, ready to receive the rest of the products.
Put on a candle, put on some background music, take a deep breath and dedicate an hour to yourself, here, now, with your skin, with you.
Let's start Skinfulness:
Get comfortable, loose cotton clothes. I recommend that if you live with someone else, let them know you will be gone for an hour. Spray gently with an air freshener the area where you are going to do your skin care routine treatment at home.
Comb your hair and take the opportunity to put on an Ohlala (The Eva Professional Hair Care is fabulous. It is a hair product with Multi action:
This is a kind of elixir of capillary beauty. With anti-breakage, anti-frizz effect and in these times we live in, super important: Anti-pollution effect.
Does not contain silicones, parabens, sulfates or allergens.
The benefits of this treatment are multi-action for your hair. It will thank you more than ever. Inspired by the
thalassotherapy. An unparalleled experience to pamper the hair fiber. Silky hair. Its combination of vitamins and marine algae make your hair untangled in seconds in the most pampering way for your hair and that it gets: maximum hydration, control, repair, protection and is reconstructed. You will notice more body, a silky effect, a lot of looseness, volume, and a shine out of the norm.
Here are the packs, so you can choose according to your skin type:

Detox is very appropriate in these days of confinement. And it is a great opportunity to detoxify and oxygenate.
The de
Vitamin Cis ideal for boosting and activating the skin's natural defenses and making you feel luminous.
And the
anti-aging ideal from the age of 35 for deep nourishment and lifting effect.
With these packs you have products for 15 days. So make the most of your time at home.
To remove make-up
go with the protocols of Sanitation your hands in a very meticulous way. Afterwards, apply a total hygienizing hydra-alcoholic gel.
Breathe, relax and start removing make-up with intense rotational hand movements.
facial care begins with perfect hygiene. By cleansing the skin, in addition to ridding it of make-up, we remove dead skin cells, excess oil produced during the day and accumulated pollution residues.
You can apply the product with your fingers or with a cotton pad, and then apply it to the nose, chin and forehead areas for a little longer. You can stop for up to 3 or 4 minutes at this step. Remember that you usually don't have the time required for this important first step.
With the help of a tissue, towel or cotton pad you can remove it. Then rinse with plenty of water. And dry delicately so as not to mistreat the skin.
Let the skin breathe for another minute and continue with your intense breathing.
Then you can apply the toner. Take the cotton pad and soak it. Pat it over your face. And let it sit to air dry.
Now it's time to
moisturize the skin. First of all, it is the application of eye contour. As the product in this area is different, if we apply it first, we leave it sealed. It is important not to overdo it with the amount. And apply it in the right area. Otherwise we will be wasting the product. And possibly favoring the appearance of more wrinkles. It is also necessary to use it in the morning and at night. And the reason is that it is one of the areas that most betrays the passage of time. Around the eyes we have more than 22 muscles in movement. It also has little collagen and little elasticity, which is why it is more prone to dehydration.
Put the equivalent of a grain of rice on your ring finger. Spread it in tiny dots around the eye. If we put more, it can even swell the eyelids.... My goodness, how many times I've put on more just to run around... well, no... less is more, even in this case.
It should be applied in the socket, where it touches the bone, without neglecting the corner of the eye to combat crow's feet. And avoid the eyelids. The ring finger is recommended by beauty experts because it is the one with the least force. And it is the one that exerts less pressure. The movement should be from the temple to the tear trough. And also in the opposite direction. And never move the skin so that wrinkles do not form. After three or four passes, stand at the tear trough and press lightly to drain. And thus avoid the appearance of bags. It is also a very relaxing pressure.
Again rest and take a draining infusion. Continue with the application of a serum:
The serum is a fundamental product in facial skin care. And in our daily beauty routine. And it can become that "all in one" that eliminates the signs of tiredness and fatigue, moisturizes and repairs.
It usually has a high concentration of active ingredients that penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin at the innermost level. Normally where the most conventional moisturizer is not able to reach.
It is very pleasant in its application because it has a very light texture.
Apply 3 drops on the fingertips and spread the product on the face, neck and décolleté, as in the other steps. With gentle rotations without moving or displacing the skin too much.
Finally, apply the moisturizing or nourishing product, with the Skinfulness secret: the 60-second massage to eliminate toxins, energize the skin and have a lifting effect.
Tom Pecheux is a famous make-up artist for the massage he gives his models before applying make-up. So it sure works!
This massage drains, soothes the skin, softens expression lines, improves the tone in muscles and appearance and relaxes the corner of the face and forehead, giving an appearance of freshness. It activates the luminosity and the skin is more beautiful.
First of all, warm your hands by rubbing them together. Pat them all over your face and pinch your cheekbones. Take some cream and put it on the back of your hand. From there take your ring finger and spread it on your forehead, chin and cheekbones. The spreading movements should always start in the center and work outwards. The same on the neck, draining from the center outwards and on the double chin. Finish by patting again. And apply a moisturizing mist or spray such as
Hydrovect O2 from Maystar.
Finish with 3 deep breaths of relief. Now your skin and mind are ready.
Here's one more trick. If you are already relaxed, and you feel like feeling a little bit made up in a gentle and healthy way: Mix your
facial moisturizer with two or three drops of your usual make-up. That will give your skin a very natural look with
BB effect and with
glow effectso fashionable and so flattering.
With any of the creams you can put more quantity and leave them on the skin for up to 20 minutes for a mask effect.
One of the packs contains a product called
Synergy lift. I do not want to finish without recommending it insistently. It has an immediate and long-lasting lifting effect because of its cumulative properties. It inhibits expression lines, protects DNA and prevents cell aging.
It contains viper tripeptide. A synthetic that mimics viper venom, a neuromuscular blocker. It also contains Soft Focus, a pigment that scatters light and blurs wrinkles. Its texture and effects are spectacular.
#I'm staying at home and taking care of my facial skin. When they see me, even if it's only on Skype, I want them to see my face radiant, which will be the reflection of my soul.
Lots of encouragement girl! and Skinfulness
