Prepare your skin for New Year's Eve

Prepara tu piel para Fin de Año
After these days of Christmas, when in addition to the gifts, the excesses reign, it is important to cleanse the skin to arrive more beautiful than ever to the most special night: New Year's Eve. To do this, it is important that these intermediate days are a little healthier than those we have spent so far. For this reason, we are going to give you some tips so that you can do a little bit of detox and your skin recovers its radiance and hydration. 1.- Forget about cava, wine and liquors these days and try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water. 2.- Infusions can also be very good for you. Green tea is the best choice, although any can be used to moisturize the skin. 3.- After turkey, cannelloni, nougat... How about betting on fruit and vegetables? Surely your body will thank you. A skin exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and toxins you have, especially on the face. 5.- After exfoliation you can also apply a mask. Choose it according to your skin type, it is important to avoid possible allergies or redness on your face. It would not be a good option for the end of the year. 6.- Naturally, it is important to use a moisturizer and, even if it is not too sunny, remember that it is always important to have some sunscreen. 7.- And when the big day arrives, you only have to apply a product before the makeup that will give you an effect lifting effect effect. It is the Synergy Lift serum by Maystar Cosmética. If you haven't tried it, now is the time. It only remains for us to wish you a Happy New Year and may 2017 bring you lots of love, health and peace.