Advent Calendar by Joaquin Verdu
14 October, 2021
24 days where you're going to be able to watch day by day how you're going to beautify and take care of you to shine at these parties. Look for an hour, the same every day, to open your Secret Beauty window. We recommend you at the end of the day. Get music, take an infusion, and read your tip the day before you practice it. Take a few breaths to flash and start your ritual. Maystar Group creates its first Advent calendar version DELUXE for collectors and lovers of fashion and glamour. 24 BEAUTY WINDOWS FULL OF GLAMOUR. With a sequence designed by our Beauty Advisors and thanks to the collaboration of premium brands Maystar Skincare & Eva Professional Hair Care. All secrets to make you perfect skin, and hair on day 24. Illustrations by the designer of Alta Costura in Punto: Joaquin Verdu. Designer born in Barcelona and known in all the catwalks of the world. 40 years of experience in fashion, as well as Maystar, 40 years of experience in Beauty.
" The most important thing about an outfit is the whole. A beautiful hair and skin are 50% of the equation. " Joaquin Verdu
Available in two versions 'Verdu' and "Verdu Deluxe".
The first valued in valorada in 161 € and now at a price of € 129.99, and a DELUXE valorada at 202 € and now at a price of € 149.99. A Limited Edition elevated to art category with an illustrated bag in its DELUXE version