All About Acne and Acne Prone Skin Care
02 August, 2016
People who suffer from acne o acne-prone skin should pay more attention than usual to the cleansing and care of the skin, using the right products.
What causes acne?
Acne is one of the skin pathologies that mostly affects the adolescent population (Acne Polymorphous Juvenile). We could say that it is a physiological skin disease, by this we mean that it is part of the nature of the organism at that age, since, in young people, by nature there are very noticeable hormonal changes. Mainly there are three factors that trigger this pathology. These three factors occur simultaneously in young individuals, although one often outweighs the other.Sebaceous hypersecretion
The sebaceous glands, which produce sebum or grease, secrete fatty substances above normal. This is because these hormone-stimulated glands, which are part of your skin, are affected just at that adolescent age and, therefore, act directly on the sebum or oil-producing glands in the skin causing it to be larger. It is important to be clear that until these hormones are not stabilized, acne continues, this can last for many years, but currently dermatology has found several tools for regularize themin case the acne is very severe. With these tools we do not achieve a complete cure, but they do serve to minimize the appearance of deeper acne lesions. It is important to emphasize that acne only occurs in very oily skin..Abnormal keratinization
This factor refers to the keratinization process. Keratinization is what gives our skin its special dynamics. Keratinocytes, or specialized skin cells, are cells that flow to the skin surface in a very special way, these cells die to become dead cells, or corneocytes, which will constitute the horny layer or dead layer on the surface of our skin, to be eliminated little by little in a natural way, more or less every 28 days. In the process of acne this mechanism of epidermal cell death is affected and as a first symptom appears the microcyst or microcomedone which can evolve into closed or open comedones or mild or severe inflammatory lesions.Presence of Propinobacterium Acnes bacteria.
This bacterium is part of the normal microflora of the skin, i.e. there are many bacteria that live on our skin that by their mechanism of action protect us from other pathogenic bacteria, a functioning of our organism, like so many others, really surprising. This bacterium lives in the follicular canal, feeds on fat and in a skin with acne, where there is more sebaceous secretion, this microorganism becomes pathogenic, that is to say, it produces acne. This is the reason why in this case dermatologists indicate to take antibiotic which fights the bacteria.
When does acne itch?
It is not one of the most characteristic symptoms of acne, but it is certain that when this pathology becomes very inflammatory it can become painful and itchy, especially nodular lesions.What is acne rosacea?
Rosacea or couperose is also a very common pathology and in an advanced stage it presents lesions such as papules (small reddish raised areas) and pustules (whitish granules with purulent content or pus). Thus these two skin diseases present similar lesions. That is why it is very important to dermatological consultation is very important in order to make a good medical diagnosis and treat it correctly.Acne when you are pregnant
The appearance of acne during pregnancy pregnancyis due, in part, to the high levels of androgen and other types of hormones.circulating in your body. These hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands, which increases the production of oil in the skin, which occludes the follicular canal producing the unwanted acne lesions. But you can rest assured, after the birth of your baby, everything will stabilize and your skin will return to normal..How to treat acne?
Acne is a pathology or disease of the skin, therefore, it is of absolute and obligatory medical treatmentThere are no cosmetics that can solve it. But if you suffer from it we want to give you a very very important advice that only depends on you. Do not squeeze your pimples!!! If you squeeze your pimples you can cause inflammation in non-inflammatory lesions or aggravate your inflammatory lesions in case you have them. What we mean is that you yourself could produce a more advanced acne in an acne that may not go further, making it worse, so do not touch your lesions and go to the doctor and to prescribe the appropriate treatment.How to cure hormonal acne?
Generally acne has a hormonal factor, because as we have told you, the sebaceous gland is controlled by hormones. So the best way is to treat it hormonally medically, to minimize sebaceous secretion and improve acne. And don't be surprised if your pre period At this time your body undergoes a great hormonal push, so if you are prone, you will not get rid of them.When does acne leave spots or scars?
One of the biggest problems with acne is that it can leave sequelae on your skin. These are due to the type of lesions and your own mechanism of healing mechanism. Think that the more inflammation your acne lesions, the deeper they will be in your skin, becoming dermal, when the likelihood of scarring increases. These scars are called "ice picks" because of their geometric edges and are usually very unsightly and difficult to treat. As for the spots, they also have to do with the inflammationThey can be caused by melanin disorders, which is the pigment that gives color to your skin. So, the best remedy is to try to prevent this type of sequelae. by not touching them and going to the doctor at the first symptoms. Do not touch your lesions and go to the doctor!Where does acne appear?
Acne appears mainly on the facial area. But it is true that the more aggressive it is, the more it can reach other areas such as back, neckline or even chest and shoulders.What is cystic acne?
The cystic acne is the typical acne that presents deep, reddened, very tender, swollen and painful lesions. These lesions are nodules or cysts, which are usually perceived as by palpatingbeing less perceptible to the eye. Due to their depth and inflammation, they are the ones that leave scars more unaesthetic.. As we have already mentioned, they mainly appear in the facial area, although they can also appear on the back, chest, upper arms and shoulders. Consultation with a dermatologist is indispensable in these cases.Acne in your 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s
When acne appears after the age of 25, we refer to it as Adult Acne or Late Acne. Generally this acne is triggered by hormonal disorders outside of adolescence, although they also produce excess sebaceous secretion. Other factors may also play a role, such as hereditary factorand aggravated by the use of inappropriate cosmeticstype of foodperiods of stressetc. This type of acne is also rigorous. medical treatmentbecause its sequelae are identical to acne vulgaris.How to remove or eliminate pimples?
Acne is a skin disease of strict medical treatment, although it is true that there are many other factors that, although they are not triggers, do aggravate it. If you suffer from acne it is very important to take into account:- The dietTry not to eat foods with high fat content (chocolate, butter, etc.). Avoid eating fried foods and be careful with the intake of sugars and flours as they favor inflammation. Try to maintain a diet rich in vegetables (be careful with oranges and citrus fruits), lean meats, and consult a nutritionist.
- Watch out for stressThe nervous system undoubtedly has a great influence on this pathology.
- Special care must be taken with the use of cosmetics cosmetics. It is essential that your cosmetics are low in oils, especially oils of mineral origin, as they are very occlusive.
- Hot climates. It is remarkable the worsening of acne in hot climates.