5 Recommendations for an enviable décolleté

5 Recomendaciones para un Escote Envidiable
For more than a year now, trends have been imposing endless V-necklines. It is clear that they are not for everyone. You have to have the right size of chest and that it is high. If you can afford it, you will have another concern: the the skin of the neckline will be neglected. makes it appear rough, with pimples, blemishes y wrinkles. Let's look for the solution to show off a seductive neckline through a perfect skin, the depth and shape is up to you.

Why does the décolleté wrinkle

The skin in this area, along with the neck, is extremely fragile and sensitive. To this we have to add how important it is to keep the chest firm and the skin well hydrated to avoid the formation of vertical wrinkles as a result of your lateral posture when sleeping.

Basic and effective recommendations that require a daily routine

  1. Cleanse every night with micellar water neck and décolleté, you will be surprised how the cotton comes out.
  2. Use a enzymatic peeling for sensitive skin once a week.
  3. Every other day, perform an ascending massage on the breasts with rosehip oil and apply specific creams on the area, always free of parabens and as natural as possible.
  4. Moisturize neck and décolleté, after cleansing, with your usual cream face cream.
  5. You can use once or twice a week a mask to fight sagging and wrinkles in the area. >> Facial Mask, when and how to use it?
Obviously, specific exercises for the chest area and a healthy diet will help us to have a perfect cleavage. Recommended products: