Meraki Clinic & Estetic
We are Noemí and Sonia, health personnel by vocation but destiny brought us together more than 16 years ago working with a prestigious plastic surgeon who instilled in us the love and passion for aesthetic medicine as it could not be otherwise since we were his hands and eyes in the clinic. Thanks to his good work and the great knowledge acquired at his side, we grew and set up our own clinic, from the knowledge, from the love, from the wisdom acquired year after year, training after training. Because yes, we were fortunate to be trainers who trusted us to train our colleagues at national level, to acquire knowledge that we could never have imagined and so we continue, after almost twenty years we never stop studying, going to trainings, symposiums, because whoever thinks they know everything is wrong.
Meraki Clinic & Estetic
That's why we love Maystar, that's why we want to be ambassadors and work with their brand because we believe we have that in common, they never stop training, they never take for granted that they know everything and for us they are the best and they take care of people like nobody else, but they don't take it for granted, they keep on fighting and for us it will be an honor to continue in that fight being part of their team. Your products are magical, the smells transport you, relax you, change the texture of the skin in an unparalleled way, thank you for doing that for the people who come to our cabinets and give them those moments of happiness! Noemi and Sonia

Meraki Clinic & Estetic
Calle General Lacy 3, entresuelo D, Alicante