What is Allantoin and which products contain it?
20 January, 2017
Did you know that allantoin is a molecule found in many animals and plants, such as snail slime?
We are very used to hearing that many cosmetics contain allantoin, and it sounds very good to us, but... do we know what it is and what properties it has?Origins of Allantoin
Allantoin is a product mainly derived from the chemical reaction between urea and glyoxylic acid. This substance has been used for about 50 years in medicine, especially in the following areas dermatology to treat skin problems such as: irritations, burns, ulcerations, etc. Allantoin is widely used in cosmetic formulations cosmetic formulations for facial care, body care, hair care, baby products, shaving, antiperspirants... In other words, allantoin is a very versatile product, with great efficacy and perfect results. Its origin is very curious, because initially it is a waste molecule that comes from vegetable uric acid, it is not toxic at all and yes, very useful, that is why it is widely used in the cosmetics and dermatology sector. Nowadays it is synthesized in the laboratory from botanical elements.Where it is found
A surprising detail is that it is found in the snail slimeIt is very fashionable a few years ago, so it is viscous and has the ability to regenerate (a feature that snails apply on their shells). But let's not panic, the substance is never directly used as such, but rather the active ingredient is isolated and applied in cosmetic formulas. There is also no need to worry about the extinction of snails, since 100% of the active ingredient used is synthetici.e, the molecule is imitated in the laboratory. through urea and other simple percussors, and as a result the properties of the original active ingredient are obtained.
Properties of allantoin
- It has a clear keratolytic actionWhat this means is that it has the great capacity to provoke an increase in the skin skin renewal and thus refine the most superficial layer of our skin, acting as if it were a mild exfoliation. And at the same time, this epidermal regeneration collaborates in the formation of collagen, the dermal fiber responsible for supporting your skin.
- Also also acts as a bactericidalpreventing bacterial contamination when the skin tissue is damaged, thanks to its high capacity to regenerate it.
- Promotes hydration in the epidermis.It is the layer where skin dehydration occurs, increasing the water uptake capacity of the corneocyte, the cell that forms part of the skin's protective structure.
- It also has soothing and anti-irritant propertiesIt also has soothing and anti-irritant properties, as a consequence of its high power to act as a restructurant in the stratum corneum.
- And last but not least, it promotes healing and soothes by acting as a natural anesthetic anesthetic.