10 Beauty resolutions for the new year

10 Propósitos Beauty para el año nuevo
We are sure that, like every year, you make a lot of promises that you end up considering impossible. We want you to achieve them this year and for that we propose some simple resolutions to take care of your skin and your health, and that will do you a lot of good.
  • Start 2017 following the decalogue that we propose to take care of yourself and look splendid.
  • Wash your face well morning and night, even if you don't wear makeup, remember that your skin gets dirty and it is vital to keep it clean and healthy. clean.
  • Get used to using a good cleanser. toner that suits your needs.
  • Get a good serum and a good moisturizing or nourishing cream, according to your age
  • Get used to applying your cosmetics morning and night, it only takes 5 minutes!
  • Remember to protect yourself winter and summer so, in your list of must-haves of 2017, there has to be a good facial sunscreen such as Sun Supreme Care.
  • Apply an exfoliator 1-2 times a week, it can be enzymatic and even sleep with it. Try OPTIMAL RENEWAL Anti-ageing Peeling Powder.
  • Once a week it is essential to apply a mask. To save yourself time and hassle you can get our Vitamin C Mousse Mask and leave it on overnight, it is invisible and not sticky at all.
  • Sign up for the whisking and you'll get wonderful results by blending. For example, your usual foundation with our argan oil.
  • A couple of days a week, propose yourself a diet rich in superfoods that will benefit your skin and your body.
  • Say NO to sedentary life. If you don't like sports, three times a week take one-hour walks, but get moving!
HAPPY 2017!