Gel Oil Treatment Balance

Trata granitos y espinillas.
Format Tube
Quantity 150ml
Texture Gel
Skin type Mixed skins / fat

Natural Ingredients

Detoxify your skin

Paraben free

Free of toxic substances

Cruelty Free

Packaging 100% reciclable

Con ácido salicílico y Azelaico

Ideal for

Grease and mixed skins


Gel especially indicated for fat skin drying grains and helps eliminate black spots thanks to its formulation with salicylic acid, tea tree and aloe vera among others, which act as natural sanitizers. Especially indicated in fatty skins.


On clean skin apply a small amount in the grain and let dry. It can be applied several times a day. Do not eat

Active ingredients

Azelaic acid

It has antibacterial, seborriegulating and exfoliant properties.

Salicylic acid

Exfoliant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

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